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Friday, October 8th, 2021

Disclaimer: Product stock and prices are subject to change after blog publish date.

If you would like healthy and beautiful looking grass in the spring, fall is not the time to neglect your lawn. There are steps you can take now so that your lawn will be in tip-top shape by the time spring rolls around.

Mowing Your Lawn

It is important to keep mowing your lawn in the fall because if the grass gets too long it will become more vulnerable to fungus like snow mold. Along with continuing to mow your lawn, you should gradually reduce the height of your lawn mower as we transition to winter (3 inches to 2 inches). This will help to prevent snow mold and encourage your lawn to green up quickly next spring!

Did you know? Snow mold is a type of fungus that appears in late winter after the snow melts. It can damage or kill your grass. Snow mold often appears as straw or grey coloured circles in your lawn.

Overseeding Your Lawn

If your lawn looks like it needs some repair, it is time to plant some grass seed! Overseeding in the fall is a great way to achieve a thick, healthy lawn and fill in any bare spots before your grass goes into a period of dormancy. Overseeding also helps with reducing weeds as new grass replaces older grass and makes it more difficult for weeds to spread.

Before overseeding, be sure to mow and rake any leaves or debris so that the grass seed can spread and settle properly. Next, scratch the grass surface with a metal rake so that the seed can come into contact with existing soil. Apply your grass seed at the recommended rate. Most bags of grass seed identify how much you should use for new lawns vs. overseeding, etc. While you can seed any problem areas by hand, we recommend using a lawn spreader to distribute grass seed evenly.  After applying your grass seed, add a thin layer of top soil (1/4-1/2 inch). If you have any low areas in your lawn that you need to build up first, you can add some top soil, lay grass seed and then add another thin layer of top soil. Keep your grass seed well watered until it begins to germinate in approximately one to four weeks time. We have received a lot of rain lately, so depending on the forecast you may not need to water your grass seed as much or as frequently.

Did you know? Growing grass under trees can be difficult. Grass at the base of a tree will require more water than the rest of your lawn as the grass is competing with the tree for water and nutrients. A tree canopy can also prevent rainwater from reaching the base of a tree.

Choosing Grass Seed

Some grass seed mixtures will do great in sunny areas while others will do well in shady areas. Similarly, some grass seed mixtures tolerate certain kinds of soil (clay soil, sandy soil, etc.) better than others. We have put together a list below of all the grass seed mixtures from General Seed Company that we carry.  We have also outlined what is in each mixture and provided some other information that will help you choose a grass seed that will meet your lawn’s needs. Our grass seed is available for purchase both online and in-store while quantities last.

An environmentally friendly mix for lighter soils. Contains 70% Dynamite LS Tall Fescue, 15% Slider LS Perennial Ryegrass, 15% Torsion LS Perennial Ryegrass. A 1 kg bag ($11.99) covers 344 square feet while a 2 kg bag ($19.99) covers 688 square feet.

Can be used for overseeding on most soil types. Contains 20% Kentucky Bluegrass, 20% Creeping Red Fescue, 30% Slider LS Perennial Ryegrass, 30% Torsion LS Perennial Ryegrass. A 1 kg bag ($11.99) covers 474 square feet while a 2 kg bag ($19.99) covers 948 square feet.

For heavily shaded areas. Contains 30% Creeping Red Fescue, 20% Chewing Fescue, 10% POA Trivialis, 40% Slider LS Perennial Ryegrass. A 1 kg bag ($11.99) covers 474 square feet while a 2 kg bag ($19.99) covers 948 square feet.

A grass seed mixture for loam to clay soils. Contains 50% Kentucky Bluegrass, 20% Creeping Red Fescue, 30% Slider LS Perennial Ryegrass. A 1 kg bag ($11.99) covers 474 square feet while a 2 kg bag ($19.99) covers 948 square feet.

For sunny and shady areas. Contains 30% Kentucky Bluegrass, 30% Creeping Red Fescue, 25% Slider LS Perennial Ryegrass, 10% Chewing Fescue, 5% POA Trivialis. A 1 kg bag ($11.99) covers 474 square feet while a 2 kg bag ($19.99) covers 948 square feet.

A grass seed mixture for all soil types. Contains 35% Kentucky Bluegrass, 35% Creeping Red Fescue, 30% Slider LS Perennial Ryegrass. A 1 kg bag ($11.99) covers 474 square feet while a 2 kg bag ($19.99) covers 948 square feet.

Did you know? All of the grass seed from General Seed Company that we have mentioned above are lateral spread mixtures, which means that they have a spreading tiller that will help fill in bare spots fast.

Fertilizing Your Lawn

If you haven’t done so already, it is time to fertilize your lawn! A lot of people apply lawn fertilizer earlier in the year and then forget to do so in the fall. Feeding your lawn in the fall is necessary as it helps strengthen grass roots, improve winter hardiness, and promotes early spring green-up.

Much like before overseeding, it is a good idea to mow and rake your lawn before fertilizing. We also encourage you to use a lawn spreader to ensure an even application of fertilizer. If you can, wait for a bit of rain and apply your lawn fertilizer afterwards as it is best to apply it to moist soil. Keep in mind that if we experience a lot of rain a day or two after fertilizing, you risk having your lawn food wash away, so try to time your fertilizer application accordingly. In terms of which fall lawn fertilizer to use, we recommend using Scotts Turf Builder Fall Lawn Food (32-0-10). We sell a 5.2 kg bag that covers approximately 4,306 square feet. It is available both online and in-store for $19.99 while quantities last. Please review the package for specific timing and application tips.

Did you know? While we have experienced a drop in daytime temperatures, it is best to apply lawn fertilizer in the morning or early evening as opposed to during the day.

Lawn Grubs

Grubs are common pests that feed on your lawn’s root system. If you are noticing that your lawn has become thin, patchy, and weak, you may have a grub problem. Another sign of grubs is if raccoons, skunks, and moles are digging up your yard. If left untreated, grubs can completely ruin or even kill your lawn. Say goodbye to grubs with a little help from Scotts! Scotts Grub B Gon Max Grub Killer is a biological insecticide used to help control various beetle grubs (European chafer, green June beetle, Japanese beetle, etc.). A 1.4 kg bag is available both online and in-store for $34.99 while quantities last. Please note that you will need a spreader to apply this product. Moderate rainfall or watering is needed after application to activate the insecticide. Be sure to follow other application directions that are outlined on the package.

Did you know? It is safe to apply grub killer, lawn fertilizer and grass seed all in the same day.

If you’re having lawn trouble or if you still have some questions about fall lawn care, we can help! Contact us anytime via phone, email or social media. We’d love to hear from you!