In Our Garden Centre You’ll find:
Vermeer’s has been known for quality annuals since 1961. We carry hundreds of varieties of beautiful, lush plants perfect for your garden beds or planters, most of which are grown right here in our greenhouses.
We do our best to keep our annual tables stocked with:
- Tried and true favourites, like Marigolds, Petunias, and Impatiens
- New varieties of Calibrachoa (Million Bells)
- A variety of different sized hanging baskets
- Ready-made planters and container gardens
- Other annuals for specific places in your garden like scorching sun, shade, or drought prone areas
Fruits, Veggies & Herbs
Growing your own vegetables and herbs is easy and satisfying and we are happy to help! Get on the grow-it-yourself wagon this season!
Check out our selection of:
- Cold crop veggies like cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, cabbage, leek, and swiss chard
- Tomatoes, peppers, cucumbers, beans and many more warm season veggies
- Heirloom varieties of peppers and tomatoes
- Onion sets (bulbs) in many varieties
- Over 30 varieties of herbs, as well as mixed herb planters
- Strawberry plants and strawberry hanging baskets
- Berry bushes, including varieties of currant, gooseberry, blueberry, raspberry and more
- Fruit trees
Perennials, Shrubs, Vines, Roses & Grasses
Perennials, shrubs, vines, roses and grasses are great tools for building the backbone of your garden!
We have:
- Hundreds of varieties of perennials from local growers
- Perennial classics like Rudbeckia, Echinacea, Coreopsis, and Shasta Daisy
- New or hard to find varieties of perennials
- Perennials for specific places like shade, pathways, and drought prone areas
- A huge selection of shrubs to provide both seasonal or year round interest
- Broadleaf evergreen shrubs like Azaleas and Rhododendrons that produce spring flowers
- Summer flowering shrubs like Spirea, Dogwood, and Weigela
- Many varieties of Hydrangea, including popular varieties from Proven Winners
- Rose varieties that are easy to grow and maintain
- Flowering vines such as Clematis, Honeysuckle, and Wisteria that require a trellis or structural support
- Vines that do not require trellising, such as Boston Ivy, English Ivy, Trumpet Vine, and climbing Hydrangea
- Early and long blooming varieties of clematis
- A wide variety of perennial grasses ranging in height from less than one foot to 12 feet tall
Proven Winners Plants
Proven Winners is well-known for its impressive selection of outdoor plants, all with excellent garden performance!
Proven Winners is a top choice for gardeners across North America. Vermeer’s is proud to carry a variety of colourful annuals, herbs, veggies, hardy perennials, and resilient shrubs by Proven Winners.
If there is a Proven Winners plant that you are looking for, please contact us to confirm product availability.
Add value to your home and help out the environment by planting a tree! Choosing the perfect tree for your location is easy with the help of our experts.
Here is an idea of what we carry:
- Ornamental trees such as Pom Pom and Spiral Evergreen
- A large selection of standard trees that will grow only up to 8 feet, as well as towering specimens that can grow to be 100 feet
- Trees with fast growth rates – up to 4′ per year!
- Trees with stunning foliage, like Japanese Maple
- Fruit trees such as apple trees, pear trees, and cherry trees
Seeds & Bulbs
If you want to start your garden from scratch, our selection will impress:
- Bulbs to plant in fall such as tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, allium, and crocus
- Bulbs to plant in spring such as dahlias and gladiolus
- Forced, potted bulbs for indoors in February, March, and April
- A wide variety of vegetable, herb, and flower seeds from the country’s top seed producers
- Several varieties of grass seed to suit your location and lawn needs
Soils, Mulches & Stone
If you are wanting a spectacular garden then you need to start at the bottom.
Improve the look and lower the maintenance needed in your garden with Vermeer’s quality soils, mulches, stones and gravel:
- Organic top soil, triple mix, peat moss, black earth and manures bagged for your outdoor garden
- Many varieties and bag sizes of potting soil for indoor plants or outdoor containers
- Drainage stone and screenings
- Natural and coloured mulches to keep the weeds out and lessen watering needs
- Decorative pea stone, white marble, and crushed brick
- Play and horticultural sands
Organic & Chemical Treatments
Along with being able to give expert diagnosis from our qualified staff, we aim to provide the best and safest products available, such as:
- Treatments for common indoor plant pests
- Nematodes for grub control
- Treatments for common outdoor problems