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Friday, January 5th, 2024 

Disclaimer: Product stock, prices, and information is subject to change after blog publish date.

As you pack your Christmas decorations away, your home may start to feel a little dull or bare. Refresh your living space with the help of houseplants!

Here are some medium to large houseplant options that will bring your home back to life after the holidays.

Ficus Elastica ‘Tineke’

Pot Size & Price: 10” pot for $39.99

Light: Bright indirect light will result in consistent growth.

Water: Allow this plant to dry out almost completely before watering. If the leaves start to droop, this is an indicator that the plant is too dry. The plant should perk back up after watering thoroughly.

Height: Can be 10+ feet (unpruned). You can maintain desired height or shape with annual pruning.

Other: To achieve intense variegation, expose this plant to lots of light. You may be surprised with some beautiful pink foliage! When pruning, keep paper towel handy as  will ‘bleed’ a white sap that is sticky and can cause skin irritation.

Monstera Deliciosa

Pot Size & Price: 10” pot for $39.99

Light: Place within 5 feet of any window, no matter the direction. Monstera plants are susceptible to sunburn if exposed to extended periods of direct sunlight.

Water: Water thoroughly once the soil is completely dry to the touch.

Height: Monstera are known for taking over a space when kept in a bright area. In nature, they climb the trunks of trees, reaching heights of 10-15 feet.


Pot Size & Price: 10” pot for $50

Light: Tolerates indirect light to bright direct light. Avoid harsh afternoon sun if placed outdoors in the summer.

Water: Water thoroughly once the soil is completely dry to the touch.

Height: Can be 6+ feet tall. Dieffenbachia can be cut laterally and will sprout new side shoots.

Other: When pruning or cutting this plant, wear gloves and/or wash hands as the sap can cause skin irritation. Keep this plant out of reach of children and animals as it is toxic if ingested.

ZZ Plant (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia)

Pot Size & Price: 10” pot for $60

Light: Tolerates low light to bright indirect light. The more light the plant receives, the quicker it will grow, but generally ZZ plants are slow growing.

Water: Water thoroughly once the soil is completely dry to the touch.

Height: Can be 3-4 feet tall, but the larger and older the stalk, the more likely it is to droop.

Other: Can be toxic to animals if ingested.

Ponytail Palm

Pot Size & Price: 10” pot for $50

Light: Ponytail palms are not picky about light. They will thrive in bright direct light and survive in low light. Sunburn is possible if they are not acclimated properly.

Water: With a naturally shallow root system, overwatering is the most common watering issue. Its trunk holds moisture allowing the plant to withstand extended periods of drought.

Height: Can be 5+ feet tall, but they are slow growing.

Other: This plant is pet safe! Ponytail palms are also a great plant to put into Bonsai as they can stay in the same pot for several years.

Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)

Pot Size & Price: 10” pot for $34.99

Light: If you provide this plant with plenty of bright indirect light, it will give you beautiful blooms in return! If you notice the blooms are coming in green, this is a result of too much light. Not having any blooms at all is due to insufficient light.

Water: Water when the soil has dried out slightly. This could be 1-2 times a week for smaller plants, and once every 7-10 days for larger plants.

Height: Can be 4-5 feet tall.

Other: Please note that the pollen is toxic to animals.

Jade Tree

Pot Size & Price: 10” pot for $60

Light: Prefers bright indirect to direct light. Should ideally be placed within a few feet from a window.

Water: Allow this plant to dry out almost completely before watering. The leaves may begin to look slightly dull or wrinkled when it needs water.

Height: Can be 5-6 feet(unpruned). You can maintain desired height or shape with regular pruning.

Other: Can be toxic to animals if ingested in large amounts. The best thing you can do for your Jade tree is give it plenty of light for at least a few months out of the year, if not possible all year round. For example, moving the plant outside in the warmer months, or a brighter area indoors. Although Jade plants adapt to lower light conditions, they are sun lovers!



For the entire month of January, if you purchase a tropical plant, you can buy a ceramic pot to go with it for 50% off!

Tropical plant and ceramic pot can be any size. Special excludes plastic pots, wicker pots, etc. In-store only. All products are available while supplies last. All sales are final. Special cannot be combined with any other offer or applied to any clearance items. Special also cannot be applied to any prior purchases.