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Wednesday, January 30th, 2019

Disclaimer: Product stock and prices are subject to change after blog publish date.

There are many ways to tell someone that you love them, and Valentine’s Day is a great time to show it. People will often think about bouquets of flowers when they think about getting their loved one a gift for Valentine’s Day. You can never go wrong with a beautiful bouquet, but did you know that there are houseplants that are just as romantic? We have created a list of houseplants that we carry here at Vermeer’s to help you express yourself differently this year!



The Anthurium has a very distinct heart-shaped spathe that can be either red, white or pink. The actual flowers of the anthurium plant are tiny blooms that line the fleshy inner spike called a spadix.

Hoya Hearts

The sweetheart plant or Valentine’s hoya (Hoya kerrii) is a traditional choice with its significant heart-shape. The hoya kerrii is one of the most durable house plants, as long as it is treated with the proper conditions. Be cautious not to over water and be sure the pot has enough drainage.




Kalanchoe luciae, is a simple and elegant succulent that has similar physical appearance to a rose bud. The dark green leaves are complimented with a subtle red blush. The red tips give the succulent the appearance of lipstick stains, as if someone had left their mark on a wine glass.



(Heartleaf Philodendron)

Heartleaf Philodendron

This tropical vine displays heart shaped leaves and is perfect for ones love interest. Philodendron cordatum is fast growing and is very beautiful show plant. You can leave it on a high shelf and watch overtime as the branches protrude down. It also works well in a hanging basket, hanging from a ceiling or a wall.




The cyclamen is yet another plant on our list that has a beautiful heart-shaped leaf. It’s vibrant and upright flowers can be red, white or pink and they tend to have a long lasting bloom if they are cared for properly.

(Side Note: This is Mrs. Vermeer’s [Original Owner & Mother of Gerry Vermeer] favourite flower. Mr. Vermeer would make tiny arrangements for her using cyclamen by pulling the stems out of the plant base and placing it into oasis for a long lasting cut flower.)


These are just some ideas to help get you prepared. If you have any questions or feedback, let us know! Happy Valentines Day!